
目前顯示的是 3月, 2023的文章

The Disappearing Spoon — Book Report

The title of this book, "The Disappearing Spoon," is a well-known magic trick that I love. The magician uses a teaspoon made of gallium, a metalloid with a low melting point, to astonish the crowds. The gallium spoon will transform into shiny liquid and sink into the hot water if the water temperature is higher than the spoon's melting point. The debunking of this trick attracts lots of readers, including myself. Here is one of the videos on YouTube which performs this trick. The book is composed of historical stories that introduce most of the elements of the periodic table, combining history, chemistry, and even physics. It tells readers that chemistry is a part of everyone's daily life. One of my favorite stories is about a red industrial dye that saved the life of a scientist's daughter. The story took place in the winter of 1935. The daughter tripped down the stairs, and a needle wounded her. She developed a serious streptococcal infection that led to high...


有鑑於我網誌上的文章越來越多,我決定開始整理一個目錄,方便找尋。 【自主學習】 108上學期自主學習詳細計畫表:學習有機化學 108下學期自主學習詳細計畫表:自然科學專題研究 【心路歷程】 雄科班沒考上的準備歷程 【科普】 Sydney科學小教室(1):電是什麼呀? Sydney科學小教室(2):為什麼電漿會發光?探究微觀的世界 Sydney地科小教室(1):雲與雨,認識低雲族 【專案】 00後女子名字產生器 【程式解題】 APCS - 2016/3/5 第三題:線段覆蓋長度 C解法 APCS - 2016/10/29 第一題:三角形判別 C解法 APCS - 2017/3/4 第一題:秘密差 C解法 2019年4月TOI練習賽新手組 - 滿意度調查 (Survey of Satisfaction) C解法(註解版) 2019年5月TOI練習賽新手組 - 第2題 座位安排(Seats) C解法 2019年11月TOI練習賽新手組 - 多項式計算 (Polynomial) C解法 ZeroJudge - a015矩陣的翻轉 C解法(詳細解說) ZeroJudge a038數字翻轉 C解法 ZeroJudge a215明明愛數數 C解法 ZeroJudge a216數數愛明明 C解法 ZeroJudge d086態度之重要的證明 C解法